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Waiting for spring

I like winter and I like spring, but I'm not so keen on the stuff in between. That which is neither one nor the other. We have been more or less sick for almost four weeks and we are longing for spring, for everything to crack open, for us to be healthy...


A spring winter filled with illness

Who hasn't coughed or snorted or vomited in the last month? There's always an empty desk at my job and it's not too often that Peter has been able to go to the customer's home and work - when they finally get well, it's been his turn to get sick. We ourselves had a stomach ache for over two weeks. When it finally subsided, the flu came.

Now we feel better, but we are snoring and coughing and still incredibly tired. Not much to complain about really, I know, but it has been a bit tough. Now we can't wait to get healthy and start exercising! Have you managed to stay healthy or have you also been sick?

Utsikt över husbåtarna från Hornsbergs strand - för några veckor sedan
View of the houseboats from Hornsberg beach - a few weeks ago

Enjoying the view in the houseboat

Although general ill health has prevented us from any major excursions, we have always been able to enjoy the view from the houseboat, for which we are extremely grateful! Each day gets brighter and brighter and we enjoy watching the swans and ducks swim by.

In the evenings, the houses on Hornsbergs Strand in Kungsholmen light up and offer a beautiful view across the water. Soon the real spring will be here, and soon we will start exercising! What are you going to do when it's really spring?

Vår husbåt sedd från marinan - bilden är några veckor gammal och den vita lilla husbåten till vänster har flyttats
Our houseboat seen from the marina - the picture is a few weeks old and the small white houseboat to the left of our boat has been moved now.
Utsikt mot Hornsbergs strand på kvällen
View of Hornsberg beach in the evening, from our boat

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