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Motorhome (and naturism) day

Everything seems to have its own day these days and tomorrow (18 June) is Motorhome Day. It's also International Juggling Day, International Picnic Day, Peony Day and Naturism Day. So lots of choices for tomorrow!


Motorhome Day - what is it?

Motorhome Day, celebrated on 18 June each year, was apparently set up by Motorhome Buddies.

How to celebrate this day is a bit unclear to us, but maybe you have some tips? Have you celebrated Motorhome Day before, or will you do so this year?

Husbilens Dag kanske kan firas vid vattnet?
Maybe Motorhome Day can be celebrated by the water?

What are you doing tomorrow?

We will not be out with the motorhome tomorrow. Our motorhome FREEDOM has actually stood still all spring, but we will travel more during August - October. Then we will take the motorhome to Stora Nolia in Piteå and to the Elmia fair in Stockholm. Jönköping.

We won't be juggling, picking peonies or walking around naked in the Pampas marina tomorrow either. Does it count as a picnic if we have lunch or dinner (with clothes) on deck?

How will you celebrate Motorhome Day tomorrow? Or will you be celebrating Juggling Day, Peony Day or Naturism Day?

Morgondagen kan även firas med naturism  - om man hellre känner för det
Tomorrow can also be celebrated with naturism - if you prefer.

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