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Walking to work


Yesterday I started a new job and one good thing about it (besides being a very interesting service!) is that I can start walking to work. Everyday exercise is good, but it's not always easy to do it, especially if you have a sedentary job. But here goes!


Also, I have a very nice walking path. I wanted to show some pictures from my morning walk, and of course write a few words about the first day ...

First day at work

So, how was your first day at work? I can say that everyone was very nice and I received a very professional treatment with a prepared workplace with a flower on the desk, an initial coffee with the closest colleagues, a tour of the office and a meeting with the manager.

But no matter how good it is, you become extremely tired of all the new impressions. A lot of new information, new people and no familiar routines to "rest in". But I think this is going to be really good!

Walking to work

It takes just over half an hour to walk from our houseboat in Pampas marina to Fridhemsplan on Kungsholmen where I now work. It is good everyday exercise and best of all, it is a really nice walking route. I walk along the waterfront almost all the way, until it's time to turn up at Fridhemsplan. Here you can see some pictures from yesterday's walk!

Pampas marina
I start by going past Pampas marina in Solna and over the bridge into Stockholm.
I pass the allotment gardens on the other side of the bridge and walk down to the Karlberg Canal.
Karlbergs slott
As I follow the Karlberg Canal, I pass Karlberg Castle.
Then I pass St Eriksbron, follow the canal a bit more, and go up a bit from Fridhemsplan.

Top picture in the post: From my walking route - in the furthest orange tower block, by the way, I lived on 22 square metres for eight years before Peter and I met!

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