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Small motorhomes - more popular?

At home in Sweden we usually think that our motorhome is "normal sized" - there are motorhomes both larger and smaller than ours. Here in Corsica we have started to reconsider this idea. Right now, it feels more like we have a enormous motorhome. All campsites have more motorhomes of the same size as ours, but most of them are significantly less.


Small motorhomes in different models

The small motorhomes come in all shapes and sizes: vans of various models, old and new cars, cars with retractable roofs, off-road vehicles with tents on the roof, ordinary motorhomes that are just unusually short, etc. Most are French or German registered and are usually driven by couples, but sometimes whole families with children and dogs drop in - and sometimes they add a large tent to their small motorhome.

Advantages of a large or small motorhome

Now that we're travelling for a whole year, it's nice to have a big motorhome, but we can also see the benefits of these small vehicles. It is of course easier to drive in narrow alleys and on narrow mountain roads and it is easier to park. In general, it's also cheaper to buy/rent a smaller motorhome.

Maybe this type could be a good option for many Swedes who want to go on holiday? What do you think about this type of small motorhome - is it something that will increase in popularity in Sweden?

Vans Korsika

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