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By motorhome on Albania's mountain roads

Today we continued northwards on Albania's mountain roads, from Himara to Radhima. The plan was only to travel a short distance, from one beach to another. But there are some mountains in between. We see the roads in front of us winding upwards, upwards in serpentines... Are we really going to drive there? Yes, we should!


From Himara to Radhima

We have now driven with the motorhome from Himara, where we camped at Livadhi Beach to Radhima, where we would spend a few days on the beach. This is a 6 mile stretch, partly winding through dramatic mountain roads with stunning mountain and sea views.

Kartan visar hur vi kört i Albanien. Den sista pilen visar dagens sträcka.
The map shows how we drove in Albania. The last arrow shows today's route along Albania's mountain roads.

Through Albanian villages on Albania's mountain roads

The roads are mostly of reasonably good quality, but it's still a challenging drive. It's steep and the curves are so sharp that you can barely get the motorhome around. Sometimes you drive into a small village and the stone walls and protruding roofs creep close to the narrow roads and our big car.

Vi kör igenom flera bergsbyar på hög höjd
We drive through several mountain villages at high altitude
Charming Albanian mountain villages

Animals on the road

And then there are the Albanian drivers who are in a hurry and must overtake at all costs! And then there are the cows and goats and dogs who suddenly decide to trot straight into the road.

Caution on Albania's mountain roads

The part about good quality roads, by the way, is tricky because it's just right. for the most part. When you least expect it, there may be a deep hole or a dent or an edge that has fallen off ...

Undrar om vi behöver tanka...?
Wondering if we need to refuel ...?

Dizzying views on Albania's mountain roads

Strenuous driving or not, this is one of the most beautiful roads we have ever driven on. The mountains are dramatically high and disappear into the clouds, which lie just above us like a roof.

Albaniens bergsvägar
Well, you can imagine that there will soon be more inclination ...
Vägarna slingrar uppåt, uppåt som serpentiner längs bergen på Albaniens bergsvägar
Albania's mountain roads wind upwards, upwards like serpentines along the mountains.

The surrounding landscape is alternately green and barren, and when you look down you see the long beautiful beaches and the turquoise sea. Our ears are repeatedly covered as we breathlessly look out over the expanse. I wonder how high up we really are?

Albaniens bergsvägar
The roads slowly wind their way forward
En ny väg leder fram till stranden - kanske dyker det upp hus och hotell där någon gång i framtiden?
A new road leads to the beach - maybe there will be a hotel there sometime in the future?

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