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A crazy world - and Peter in a Finnish magazine


Sometimes it feels like we live in a crazy world. What happens around us is sad and scary, but sometimes also surreal and bizarre. And now there is a statement from Peter on the corona crisis for travel bloggers... in Finnish!


Has the world gone mad?

This time is hard, heavy and sad in many ways. At the same time, news keeps coming in that makes you wonder if the world has gone mad. Here are three stories that have raised our eyebrows this week:

  • In Belarus, "no one will die from corona". President Aleksandr Lukashenko promises this because they "found combinations of drugs to save people". So Belarus is the place to be ...!?
  • Danish preschoolers to keep a two-metre distance from each other from each other. Danish kindergartens are reopening, but the distance between children is two metres. Nice to hear that the Danish preschoolers are a bit more disciplined than the Swedish ones ...!?
  • Doctors sold "corona cures" online. The dietary supplement Anoroc (corona in reverse) cost SEK 399 and was intended to cure corona. The Medical Products Agency has now stopped the sale. "The guys did not think about the regulations on how to do it", says one of the doctors. ???

Report in Finnish newspaper

How are travel bloggers doing these days? A Finnish newspaper wondered this and decided to interview some Nordic travel bloggers. Among others, they interviewed Peter on the phone, and he is now quoted in a Finnish newspaper.

"Is it possible that the country's raids will be cancelled in the same way, when there is a coronavirus outbreak?".

Peter Bergström

What Peter says in the Finnish newspaper? No, we have no idea. Because our Finnish is very limited. Here you can see the report, and at least we recognise Peter in the picture!

Best this week

What is your favourite thing this week? That's a good question because everything always feels so strange. I (Helena) have learnt how to do and record interviews via video conferencing (which makes my job easier), we have had a beer in the sun on an outdoor terrace (top picture) and Peter has cooked a lot of good food! What has been the best part of your week?

Favourite dish with cod, crayfish tails, sugar peas, tomato and potatoes
Another favourite dish with salmon, beetroot, chevre, asparagus and avocado.

The week ahead

In the coming week, we plan to visit some new nature areas in Stockholm County. We will also write about some superfine places we visited last week (both nature and castles). Don't forget that:

Did you miss last week's Happy Friday? Read the Nature, new backpacks and Happy Easter!

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