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Finally an event - and thanks for all the tips!


Imagine how fun it can be to go to an event when most things have been cancelled for more than six months. We also want to thank you for all the good tips we got yesterday on the post about all the new motorhome faults. Happy Friday!


Home again

It was nice to come home after last week's crazy work effort. First we helped Peter's mum to moving from house to flatand then we helped Peter's brother to building on your house in the archipelago. Talk about being exhausted when we got home! We have slept, slept and slept ... but also worked, and started jogging!

Thanks for all the tips!

Yesterday we told you about all the new faults on the motorhomethat we suffered. A big and humble THANK YOU for all the great tips that rained in. We are truly so happy about this. We haven't had time to do this yet, but as soon as we get the opportunity, we will try different things based on the tips. We can't say exactly when it will happen, because it depends on time, weather and finding somewhere to stand and tinker, but we promise to get back to you!

Finally event

Before the coronavirus pandemic, we often went to events. These are tourist villages and destinations that invite us to talk about destinations and travel news. It's often fun to mingle with others in the industry, and it's also a good opportunity to stay up to date on travel and get tips on places to travel to and blog about.

Since March, almost all events have been cancelled, but yesterday afternoon it was time again, for an event at Tändstickspalatset. Really nice with both yummy workshop and travel news. Afterwards, we treated ourselves to dinner at a wok restaurant in town (top picture). We will tell you more about the event tomorrow!

Best this week

The best thing about this week is that we are back home and have a chance to rest, after last week's crazy work week. We are also fantastic happy for all the feedback and tips we get from you readers when we tell you about our problems. Thank you again for brightening up our lives! So, now we want to know what was the best part of your week?

The week ahead

Wow, will there be a new week? We haven't really had time to plan that far, so it will be a surprise what will happen! We will probably be able to offer a report from Ostrava in the Czech Republic.

We end with a picture from a really good fish dinner this week, and we wish you a Happy Friday!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Moving chaos, cat hunting and crazy long working hours

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