This weekend we did Norrköping and Nyköping by motorhome. We drove from Stockholm on Thursday after work because I was going to lecture in Norrköping on Friday morning. Then we found a nice pitch in Nyköping.
Lecture in Norrköping
Last Friday I spoke at a conference on food and meals in Norrköping. On Thursday evening we looked for a car park that we had found online, which was supposed to be just outside the swimming pool. We did not find a single sign about motorhomes, but simply parked in the car park and paid the parking fee. Does anyone know if we found the right place or not?

At least the car park was centrally located and it was easy to walk to the Louis De Geer Concert & Congress where I was to give a lecture.

Good parking space in Nyköping
After our little trip to Norrköping, we rolled on to Nyköping. Here we found a nice and good parking space at Nyköping harbour. There are 8 places with electricity and also garbage collection, emptying of cassette tank and the possibility to fill up water. Here you can stand for two days completely free. Fantastic!
Update in 2021: The car park still exists, but is now subject to a charge and is paid for with a parking app.

We are quite tired after many intense days and I (Helena) also have a cold, so it has been nice to just take it easy. There has been good food, cosiness and time to catch up with things on the computers. How has your weekend been?

See more in Nyköping
Update in 2021: After writing this post, we have had time to look around much more in Nyköping. Among other things, we have visited the interesting Nyköpingshus and the beautiful castles Nynäs and Öster Malma. In addition, we have experienced the beautiful Stendörren nature reserve. You can read more here:

Camilla says:
Great for an autumn outing! But it sounds like intense times! Norrköping tip: Arbetets museum (I think it's called) and the museum next door. And the nice neighbourhoods around. But now maybe you are done with Norrköping for this time. Here with us it is full speed with clearing, packing and "home-styling" before real estate photography. Good with a little time pressure on that front though, but I look forward to breathing out sometime in the future....
16 October 2016 - 6:41
Lennart says:
Have just visited Norrköping.
We always stood at the Centralbadet, like you, before. Now houses are being built there and there is less space.
Yesterday, we found a large car park near his house on Bryggaregatan.
Norrköping, which has Sweden's finest industrial landscape, should build a proper car park.
16 October 2016 - 6:46
Lennart says:
His son sees De Geer from his bedroom window.
16 October 2016 - 7:02
Diana's dreams says:
Cosy, wonderful pictures and I love strolling around Nyköping hugs
16 October 2016 - 7:35
Eva - People in the Street says:
It looks cosy!
We are in the cottage working on getting the wood under the roof, bringing in the garden furniture and covering the boat. Unfortunately, the weather is not so nice, but the icy winds from the sea are cool when stacking wood.
Have a nice Sunday!
16 October 2016 - 7:37
Imelda says:
Autumn cosiness in the motorhome is the best! But, here the husband works full time so it will be to sit at home to cosy up. Hug and get well!
16 October 2016 - 8:28
Mr Steve says:
There is a lot to visit here at home as well. Perfect to be able to coordinate work with an excursion in the motorhome in this way. It was a real feast you served up. I looked at the knowledge seminar you gave to see what your lecture was about. Very interesting
Hope your cold goes away. At Getingstorp we have a real lovely "sit inside and cuddle cosy weekend".
16 October 2016 - 10:05
Ama de casa says:
Long time since I was in Norrköping now, but I lived there for two years in prehistoric times 😉.
Absolutely fantastic with free parking and having that service!
Here the weekend has been quite intense - with fun. And some "worried" laundry 😀
16 October 2016 - 10:09
åsa in åsele says:
I have almost been to Norrköping 😉
we checked out the campsite about 14 years ago on a visit to Kolmården 🙂 .
Cozy with a combined work & weekend trip.
It's hard to deal with these colds that come as soon as autumn sets in. Get well soon.
Peter, how is your back?
16 October 2016 - 10:13
nils-åke says:
"Nice houses on the promenade" I grew up in this neighbourhood! The place at the bathhouse is no longer there, but the car park is there. This summer there has been a parking space further up the promenade at the Ling Hall. Have a good weekend
16 October 2016 - 10:44
Husis blog says:
Norrköping is a cosy town and nearby is Söderköping which is very cosy, at least in summer. The owners think it would be nice to hear you talk about all your travels (although that was not the theme this time)?
I myself have been standing in a windy, cold and today a rainy Ullared. Have fun and drive carefully home.
16 October 2016 - 10:50
LinizTravel says:
Lovely pictures 🙂 hugs
16 October 2016 - 10:54
admin says:
Camilla, yes we are done with Norrköping for this time. But tips can be good for another time, so thank you!
Lennart, then the son lives in a central location! And then maybe the car park at the swimming pool is no longer a parking space?
Diana's dreams, Nyköping feels nice! Can easily imagine coming back in a warmer season.
Eva, the weather sounds "refreshing" to say the least! But nice to get organised for the winter!
Imelda, thank you so much! Unfortunately, I don't feel good at all today, but it will get better ...
Steve, how clever of you to find the seminar! 😉 Yes, it was good that it was a Friday so we could combine. Wish you a nice Sunday!
Ama de casa, oh so you have lived in Norrköping? Then it's a homely neighbourhood for you, even if it may have happened a lot since prehistoric times 😉.
Åsa in Åsele, cold is tough and I am really bad today. Peter's back is much better, but he still feels it a bit. Thanks for asking!
Nils-Åke, oh but what fun that you grew up right here! And interesting to know, but the second site, is it only temporary or?
Husisblogg, Söderköping is a good tip! We like to lecture about our travels too, and will actually do it for the Caravan Club soon 🙂 Hope your owners made some good bargains in Ullared!
Liniztravel, thank you and enjoy your trip!
16 October 2016 - 11:24
Lena says:
So far so sad, the wait for op. (for Jan) is unbearable! Thanks for great tips and nice wild, beautiful autumn pictures!
16 October 2016 - 11:59
Maggan says:
Norrköping is also my childhood town. Here I learnt to cycle, skate and ski. Nice walks along Motala Ström. We are also out on an HB trip despite a cold. Now we have started the countdown until we leave Sweden for a few months in the heat. What luxurious "motorhome food" 🙂 Get well soon.
16 October 2016 - 13:52
Ruth in Virginia says:
Norrköping was my home town in 1945-47, when I went to the Commercial High School.
at Skepparegata 8. Those were two of the most enjoyable years of my life; no
worries outside of school. - I wonder if it's the same swimming pool now, which
when I was there. Spent a lot of time there, as I had a boyfriend.
who played water polo. - My aunt had an apartment on South
Strömsgatan with a nice view towards Strömmen.
The avenues in Nkpg in autumn, where you could walk in fallen leaves.
up to the calves. Great memories! Nowadays they probably blow
remove all the leaves. 🙁
16 October 2016 - 14:40
nils-åke says:
16 October 2016 - 17:07
Matts Torebring says:
We think you have so many great places to stop. Maybe you think the same about us. Nyköping and Norrköping are usually just rushing by. We hope we can soon change that and make time to stop. You showed memorable pictures from your tour.
16 October 2016 - 17:24
BP says:
Norrköping is a nice city. Read Husbilen Ellen's blog and Elisabet and her husband live there so I have got a little "feeling" for the city. Your pictures were again absolutely superb.
Oh crab and crayfish - yummie, yummie:-)
Now I'm going to do what Steve has done - check out what you've been talking about. It's great that you get these jobs.
We've been cosying up here at home and replacing a lot of light bulbs with LED variants. What a difference in the autumn darkness!
16 October 2016 - 18:01
Role o Carina says:
Looks like you had a great weekend in the campervan!
Take care........
16 October 2016 - 18:05
BP says:
Forgot to say - get well soon!
16 October 2016 - 18:21
admin says:
Lena, oh it must be terribly hard to wait for surgery! I really hope the wait will soon be over!!!
Maggan, fun that Norrköping is your childhood town too! Sounds very wonderful to leave Sweden for a few months in the heat! 🙂
Ruth in Virginia, what fun that you also lived in Norrköping! There seemed to be several who did it 😉 Fun with the memory of the swimming pool and water polo! 🙂
Nils-Åke, thank you! We found that park'n'stay on the internet, but it was closed this year.
Matts, maybe you think the grass is greener further away? 😉
BP, haha, I'm glad you looked up my lecture 😉 I can reveal that it was about the programme I developed to support good eating and exercise habits for adults with intellectual disabilities living in group homes. And by the way, thank you for the get well greeting! I managed to add a stomach bug with the cold on Sunday, so today I have been really bad ...
Rolle and Carina, it was a lovely weekend (apart from the fact that I was not really healthy). Have fun!
16 October 2016 - 18:43
Across the board says:
So good that there was room in Nyköping, we stood on the gravel car park next to it. Nyköping was a cosy town. We also munched on crab last night 🙂
Get well soon .....
16 October 2016 - 18:44
travelmania says:
I also like Nyköping, very beautiful! Wow what a seafood dinner!!! Delicious!
I have dedicated the weekend to the blog finally! I have had very little time to devote to it lately (work etc.) so it is nice to be able to write a little. However, I have a lot to catch up...... Have a good time!//
16 October 2016 - 19:10
Ditte says:
Both Norrköping and Nyköping are nice cities and offer a lot. I don't know anything about motorhome sites because we have relatives and friends we have stayed with.
Nice to have a trip, but I can understand that you are tired after the intense week in Malta and also with a cold in your body.
It might be a good idea to rest and get in shape.
Good food is clearly energising and the seafood looks really good.
Wishing you a peaceful week.
16 October 2016 - 19:37
Anki says:
Norrköping is my childhood town - I grew up there and I still live in the municipality, even though it's about three kilometres outside the city.
The industrial landscape is definitely worth a visit if you come to Norrköping several times.
Thanks for the tip about the car park in Nyköping harbour!
Hope the cold goes away soon!
16 October 2016 - 19:47
BP says:
Answer: Poor thing! Was there something wrong with the crab or the crayfish that should be eaten in August according to "Swedish rules" - the crayfish, not the crab;-)
Now I have to say "get well" one more time. Hope you are free tomorrow, so you can rest after a weekend that you wrote about would have been "quiet";-)
16 October 2016 - 23:42
Marina says:
Autumn Sweden is also beautiful, even if it's a bit 'windy and bumpy'.
17 October 2016 - 3:39
admin says:
Criss-cross, we came early, but later it was full! But that was another time you were there, wasn't it?
Travelmania, nice to have some time for the blog! I'll have to take a look 😉
Ditte, it was supposed to be calm and relaxing, but ended with a stomach bug... sigh. Well, I guess it will pass...
Anki, fun that you also come from Norrköping! There are several here who have written that they do 😉 Thanks for Norrköping tips!
BP, thanks again! 😉 Yes, maybe there was something wrong with the seafood... Or something else? I'm not free today, but I had to call in sick, still ill...
17 October 2016 - 8:38
Across the board says:
We were there the weekend 3 weeks ago 🙂
17 October 2016 - 9:18
Lots of other stuff and some concrete says:
What a nice pitch you found in Nyköping! And free too!
It makes you want to go away because autumn is also nice. But we have unpacked our car now.
We are tired after this weekend. Have been watching the little grandchild and it takes its toll.
Hope your cold has improved!
Greetings Agneta
17 October 2016 - 21:22
Inga Magnusson says:
Son Mattias lived in Norrköping for a few years. It was his first job in the computer games industry at UDS, I think it was called. Then we went there sometimes. My lasting memories are the nice industrial district with powerful brick buildings, the Labour Museum which I think was in the iron which is a triangular building in the water and of course the art museum which had everything wrong at the time but with the picture "Nobody's dogs" which I like. Managed to go to a good concert in the de Geer Hall. Hope your cold has subsided! Have a good day!
20 October 2016 - 6:08