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Camping in Mariestad - magical at First Camp Ekudden

Looking for camping in Mariestad? We have spent one day at First Camp Ekudden - Mariestad, which was very nice and relaxing at the beginning of our long motorhome trip. Most amazing was the absolutely magical sunset right in front of the motorhome in the evening.


Camping in Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

In cooperation with the camping chain First Camp, we visit some of their campsites. First out was First Camp Ekudden, which is a 4-star campsite in Mariestad (which also has 4 symbols in First Camp's own rating system). This campsite is beautifully located by Lake Vänern, while at the same time being within walking distance of Mariestad's beautiful city centre.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

You'll find this campsite in Mariestad just northwest of the city centre, a journey that takes around five minutes by car.

Beautiful places on the shores of Lake Vänern

During the Easter weekend, the campsite was full of motorhomes but when we arrived, at the end of the weekend, it was quiet. It was just us and another motorhome on the nice motorhome parking at the bottom of the water.

We first misunderstood the signs and thought that you had to park facing away from the water, but that was not the case. And, of course, we wanted a lake view from the front window, so we re-parked the car. What a great view we got!

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

Staying in a motorhome, caravan or cabin

At First Camp Ekudden - Mariestad you are welcome with a motorhome, caravan or for accommodation in a cabin. Right now there were mostly caravans here, but we also met a long line of motorhomes that had celebrated Easter here.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

The cottages are available in different variants: without water, with cold water or with hot water, depending on how "luxurious" you want to be.

No matter how you choose to live, you will have cute (and very fearless!) squirrels as neighbours. The little rascal in the picture below was running up and down and here and there, while talking intensely in squirrel language.


Beautiful nature in Ekudden Nature Reserve

Right next to this campsite in Mariestad is the Ekudden nature reserve. There are beautiful and gnarled old oaks in an open and wild landscape. The fallen old trees also serve as a home for mosses, lichens, fungi and a wide range of insects. There are also plenty of birds in the reserve.

Getting out in nature like this, between all the hustle and bustle of cities and driving on roads, we really appreciate it!

Ekudden naturreservat

Activities at the campsite

We visited First Camp Ekudden during the low season, before the summer programme started. We think this time is quite nice, but if you are travelling with a family and want a lot of activities, summer is of course preferable.

The campsite has both sandy beaches and swimming piers. Right next to the campsite is a temperate swimming pool, which is included in the price (one entry per day) if you stay at least three nights at the campsite.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

You can also hire bikes or pedal cars and there is a miniature golf course. In summer, an entertainment team is on hand to organise shows, training, quizzes, children's activities and more.

Interview with the destination manager

We got the chance to talk for a while with the destination manager, Diana Hendin Apell, who has been running the campsite for three years. Diana told us about all the hard work that goes into running a campsite, but also about how much fun it can be.

We learnt, among other things, that the cottages rented out in winter were fully booked on Christmas Eve. We were also told that the sites where we stood will be refurbished with hedges around each site for the summer season.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

We met at "First Camp Bistro", which is a concept at First Camp facilities. The restaurant opens for the season in a few weeks, but we got to try some freshly baked and tasty cinnamon buns.



The absolute best part of this campsite in Mariestad came in the evening. We had heard that the sunset is nice here, and it was certainly no exaggeration. The sunset was magical.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

It felt like we were in the front row of a great spectacle. Can it get better than this? We're not sure.

We couldn't stop taking photos. We kept thinking that "this is the most beautiful time", but then it became yet more beautiful ...

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden
Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

We know "magical" is a tired word, but we can't think of anything better! This evening at a campsite in Mariestad will never be forgotten.

Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden
Camping i Mariestad - First Camp Ekudden

Some thoughts on First Camp Ekudden - a campsite in Mariestad.

First Camp Ekudden is a fantastic campsite for those who appreciate beautiful nature and fine sunsets. In the summer, it is also suitable for those travelling with a family and wanting swimming and activities.

We often get asked about the price of campsites, but when it comes to First Camp, it's not easy to answer. First Camp has a central booking system where prices fluctuate depending on the season and location, but also depending on demand. Right now, on a weekday in April, the price of such a nice place was around SEK 350 / day, but it can vary a lot, and in high season it of course costs more.

To get the best possible price, it's a good idea to book well in advance. You can also get a better price by becoming a member of the First Camp Club. Then you get points on each stay, which you then use when you book the next time.

Video from Ekudden First Camp

More to see and do in the neighbourhood

When you visit First Camp Ekudden, you'll also want to check out charming Mariestad. Here you can stroll around the harbour and the cosy city quarters, buy the local ice cream Kling or perhaps take a trip to the islands Torsö and Brommö.

From Mariestad it is also not far if you want to experience the Göta Canal, for example at Sjötorp, Hajstorp or Töreboda.


Camping in Mariestad - facts about First Camp Ekudden

  • Address: Ekuddenvägen 50, Mariestad
  • Coordinates: 58.7157896 / 13.7955592
  • Municipality: Mariestad
  • County: Västra Götaland County
  • Landscape: Västergötland
  • Location: Near Mariestad, right next to Lake Vänern.
  • Read more: You can find more information at the campsite's website.

Services and practical information

  • Opening hours: All year round for some cottages. The campsite is staffed around April - September.
  • Prices: First Camp uses fluctuating pricing. You will see the current price for you when you fill in the details in the booking system.
  • Shop: There is a service shop at the reception.
  • Food service: First Camp Bistro (open during summer)
  • Rules of procedure: Peace and order throughout the day. Silence between 24:00-07:00.
  • Pets: Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a lead and are not allowed in service areas.
  • Distance to the centre: 15 minutes walking distance to the city centre.

Activities at first Camp Ekudden - camping in Mariestad

  • Beach: There are sandy beaches and jetties at the campsite.
  • Pool: A temperate pool and a children's pool are nearby. If you book for at least 3 days, one entry/day is included in the camping price.
  • Nature: The Ekudden nature reserve is right next door, with gnarled oak trees and birds.
  • Active activities: Miniature golf, bikes for hire, pedal cars for hire, beach volleyball and more.
  • Training: In summer, training sessions are organised several times a week.
  • For children: In summer, the Kids Club is organised with activities and performances. There is also a playground.
  • Entertainment: In summer, an Entertainment team organises entertainment for children and adults, including shows and quizzes.

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