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On a photo assignment for the sale of a house

We are not trained photographers, but of course we take a lot of photos for the blog and for Instagram - and apparently there are those who like our pictures! Yesterday we went on our first real photo assignment.


Peter's brother and his wife are selling their terraced house and we have been commissioned to take photos for the estate agency before the sale. It is not really time yet, but we wanted to take pictures in the garden while it is summer, sun and green. We haven't done this type of assignment before so there were a lot of photos ...

Fotografering i trädgården
Photography in the garden

Then we were invited to dinner on the veranda: a super good shrimp paste with a taste of lemon. The ad on the townhouse will not come out until later this summer / autumn, but if you are interested in a large and very nice townhouse in Runby in Upplands Väsby, with a fantastic garden, you can get in touch!

Now we will look at our photos and hope that some are good enough. At the end of August we will do our next photo assignment. We will be shooting a wedding - great fun!

Dukat för middag på verandan
Set the table for dinner on the veranda
Färsk pasta med räkor och rucola, smaksatt med citron
Fresh pasta with prawns and rocket, flavoured with lemon

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