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Shopping in Ukraine - to find in Kiev

Oh, it's so much fun to go shopping in Ukraine! There aren't as many chains as in other European cities, but lots of small shops. The most fun is walking around Metrograd, a huge underground mall that stretches between several metro stations. Here you can find everything from clothes and shoes to interior design, gifts and all sorts of unexpected items.


Fur and high heels

There is an incredible amount of shops and malls in Kiev and a larger and more imaginative selection than in Sweden (at least for women), where we think it is difficult to shop. Prices are relatively low, but there are also plenty of high-end shops selling Gucci, Versace and Armani. There are also plenty of high-end fur shops, with furs costing between £20,000 and £40,000. Although many are poor, there must be quite a few Ukrainians with money...

What you notice most is all the glitter, all the furs, all the fur details, all the high heels and all the clothes with different designs. Although there is a lot of focus on glitz and glamour, all the clothes are made for a cold climate. The high-heeled patent leather boots, for example, are comfortably warm-lined, and every jacket you try on is overflowing with soft lining and thick fur.

Ukraina, Kiev
Shopping i Ukraina

Shopping in Ukraine - our finds

I (Helena) have bought a warm fur-lined jacket and several pairs of shoes and boots. What about Peter? Yes, he has also found outerwear. And he's also gone for cufflinks. He likes slightly larger cufflinks that sparkle a bit, and he's in the right country, so to speak. There are so many glittery cufflinks to choose from!

Ukraina, Kiev
How cool is this t-shirt?
Shopping i Kiev
Cufflinks for the party

Many small shops

The sad thing about many European cities is that the same chains are everywhere. That's not the case here! Well, some of the usual chains are here too, but above all there are many small shops. If you are tired of looking in the usual old chains at home, this is really fun!

Shopping i Kiev
A find from our shopping in Ukraine
Några resultat från vår shopping i Kiev
More shopping bargains

Our hotel right now

Tonight we have booked a table at a fish restaurant that will be special. Tomorrow we will change hotels - not because we are unhappy, but to get a change of scenery and try a bigger hotel. Then we will take our camera out into the city to capture some sights.

This is where we live right now!
All our top tips on Ukraine. Click on the image!

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