Here is a greeting from First Camp in Umeå. Now we have started the journey south, after our Norrland trip. The journey is far from over, yet it always feels a little hard to leave. back …
We have now come back to Umeå and this time we try a new campsite, namely First Camp. This is a fairly large campsite, and Billie started by checking it out from the viewpoint at the top of the roof ...
First Camp in Umeå
First Camp in Umeå is a real large campsitewhere both caravans and motorhomes are parked in long, neat rows. There are fresh toilets and showers, and there is also a small camping shop if you need to do some emergency shopping. We can't say that the campsite feels particularly cosy or homely, but at least it has everything you need.

Evening with grilled seabream
Now we have settled in at First Camp here in Umeå. This is a large campsite and there is everything you need. Perhaps the campsite feels a bit boring with large open spaces and long rows of motorhomes and caravans. The weather is not particularly inspiring either, but we liven things up by grilling our favourite fish: grilled seabream.
So, how good is this fish? You take out the guts and stuff it with lemon and fresh herbs, then grill it whole. The flesh is firm and fine and tastes really good. We like to serve it with rice and a cold herb and citrus sauce. Fairly simple and delicious!

Rafting in the Vindelälven river - real adventure
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First camp in Umeå - nice camping and grilled fish
Here is a greeting from First Camp in Umeå. Now we have started the journey south, after...
Gravel road to Lycksele - and evening at Granö campsite
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High-altitude track on the Vindelälven River
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Camilla says:
Hello! I live more or less next door to the campsite you live on! Will check the situation with some loose plans for tomorrow that I have since before, possibly I swish past and say hello..but I will of course hear from me before 🙂
27 July 2010 - 22:46
Ferferi in Paris/Gothenburg says:
Have you fished yourself? Looks so good! I'm going fishing on the west coast this weekend and am so looking forward to it. So keep your fingers crossed for me that I get a bite!
28 July 2010 - 0:37
Ninny says:
As I said, at some point I want to go north - but should I be wrapped in blankets like a Michelin man?
28 July 2010 - 10:32
Maggan says:
Hi, we are also in the neighbourhood of Umeå. Had hoped for a little more sun up here. Turning south on Friday I think. Have a good continued journey in the northern part.
28 July 2010 - 11:20
admin says:
Camilla, such a shame that we missed each other! We had to check out at noon because a sports team was coming and the whole campsite was booked the next day... but of course we would have stayed in Umeå if we had found each other and knew you were coming! Typical... but maybe we get more chances!?
Ferferi, nope, this fish comes from the fish counter... But Billie has bought a fishing rod so we will look for a fishing camp... Good luck with the fishing!
Ninni, yes, pack all the warm clothes you have! Do you know how many unused little summer dresses are hanging in the motorhome wardrobe? The same jeans and sweater every day... 😉.
Maggan, yes, we had also hoped for more sun... That's the saddest thing about Sweden actually, that the weather is so uncertain....
28 July 2010 - 18:38
Big brother says:
How far away you are. Living at First Camp Mölle Hässle outside Kullen. Have climbed the cliffs on Kullen without the children killing themselves. Skåne is steep!
We're so envious of motorhomes with a satellite dish on the roof...?
29 July 2010 - 19:52