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Tour of our houseboat

Today you are welcome to take a tour of our houseboat - or at least a virtual tour here on the blog. So ... welcome in!


Hallway and bathroom

As soon as you step on board the boat, you enter our tiny hallway. You do not fit many at the same time here not ... If you go straight ahead you enter the kitchen and if you take the door to the left you enter the bathroom. It's not big either, I must say!

We have an extra-short toilet seat, a small sink with a bathroom cabinet and a shower with a curtain - there's no room for a shower cubicle. But the view is amazing! We've covered the window with a film so it's hard to see in, but when it's dark outside we have to supplement the privacy by closing the shower curtain...

Hallen är inte stor - detta är allt liksom
The hall is not large - this is all!
Badrummet är inte heller stort -,men utsikten över vattnet är fantastisk!
The bathroom is not big either -,but the view of the water is amazing!


Our kitchen is also not very big, but we have a table for four people (six people if we unfold the pull-out table) and everything you need including a dishwasher. By the way, we have municipal water and sewage - the pipes go under and along the piers - so everything related to water and sewage works just like in a normal apartment.

There are not so many kitchen cabinets though, so we had to get rid of almost half of our kitchen equipment before we moved here. But that's fine too, and here the view is even more fantastic because we have large windows in both directions, both towards the marina and towards Lake Ulvsunda.

Köket är litet, men vi har allt vi behöver och fantastisk utsikt
The kitchen is small, but we have everything we need and great views

Lower deck: bedroom, exercise room, walk-in closet and laundry room

Why don't we start by taking the narrow staircase down to the lower deck? Down there we actually have plenty of space. In the large open room we have our bed, a large area covered with exercise mats (our exercise room) and a large open walk-in closet.

To go into the old engine room you have to squat (at least if you are taller than 160 cm). All the machines for running the boat are gone and today we have a laundry room there with washing machine/dryer and Nibe boiler, water heater, automatic sewage pump and so on.

Some people ask if the boat is cold, but it's definitely not! We have underfloor heating, radiators and an air source heat pump, so it's warm and cosy.

Vår säng längst fram i båtens för
Our bed at the front of the boat - and our exercise mat!
Vår walk-in-closet med garderober till vänster, byrå rakt fram och korgar till höger för kläder
Our walk-in closet with wardrobes on the left, chest of drawers in front and baskets on the right for clothes
I det före detta maskinrummet finns nu värmepannor och pumpar, tvättmaskin och förvaring
The former engine room now houses our Nibe boiler, water heater, automatic sewage pump, washer/dryer and storage.

Upper deck: living room

Instead, if we go upstairs from the kitchen, we end up in our living room. This is the room that we completely rebuilt when the boat was up on land last summer. The previous upper floor was much smaller, uninsulated and unsealed.

Now we have a large insulated living room with big windows, a sofa group, a study area for Peter (I usually sit at the kitchen table with my computer), a fireplace and a patio door to the patio.We have an unusually large number of windows in this room (11!) because we wanted views in all directions.

När man kommer upp i vardagsrummet från köket
When you come up to the living room from the kitchen
Vardagsrummet sett från andra hållet
The living room seen from the other side

Patio on deck

Last but not least, we have our patio on deck! Here we have a table and chairs for six people and a barbecue. By summer, it will be great to sit here and have meals outside. Right now, both the outdoor furniture and barbecue are tightly lashed to withstand sudden storms...

Vår uteplats på däck
Our patio on deck

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