Pécs in Hungary. Have you heard of Pécs (pronunciation: Pietch)? We never had, until we went on this trip to southern Hungary on the Croatian border. But then you start with zero expectations! Huge and beautiful church, lovely squares and Segway is a bit about what we write about. Welcome to Pécs in Hungary!
Table of contents
Pécs - European Capital of Culture 2010
Pécs is located in southern Hungary, not far from the Croatian border, and has about 150,000 inhabitants. The city is renowned for being one of the most romantic cities in the country and was European Capital of Culture in 2010.
There are many charming houses in the centre, as well as interesting Roman remains, an impressive cathedral and several mosques from the Turkish occupation in the 16th century.

The largest mosque is on Széchenyi Square and has been converted into a Catholic church. But it seems that Muslims and Christians get along well nowadays, because according to the guide there are usually weddings between Christians and Muslims in the church/mosque.

City tour on Segway
Of course, you don't have to go to Hungary to ride a Segway, but we tried it for the first time here. Soooo much fun! First we had to practice in a courtyard at SegwayPécs and I thought it was really hard at first (while others were more "natural born segwayers"), but once I figured out how to do it, it was really fun. It's also the perfect way to get around a city! Have you ever tried a Segway?

And much more ...
And Pécs has even more to offer! We were short on time, but the guide still managed to take us to a champagne cellar, a microbrewery for beer and a cultural centre with a porcelain museum.
Also, we bloggers had our own requests... Peter and I wanted to see a campsite and the Finnish blogger.... Veera trying to find juice bars in all destinations. Of course, the guide arranged a visit to Juice & Co, which was well approved by our juice bar expert.

Travelling by motorhome to Pécs?
We travelled without a motorhome this time and have not had time to test any campsites or pitches, but there is a campsite in Harkány (Termal Kemping), which has been scouted out. The campsite looked relatively ordinary and nice, in a green and leafy area.

More to see and do in Hungary
There is of course much more to see and do in Hungary. For example, you can experience the capital city of Budapest and the locality Tata, with food and wine in a rural setting. You can also experience wine regions Villány in southern Hungary. Below you will find even more tips for Hungary.
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Eva - People in the Street says:
Fun to try segway, I have never tried it. Can imagine that it is a bit wobbly in the beginning ...
How nice it seems to be in Pécs 🙂 .
07 June 2016 - 8:29
Sanna Rosell says:
Never heard of Pécs but it certainly looks like a romantic city with the church/mosque and the cosy squares... Hungary's answer to Italy's Verona perhaps?
07 June 2016 - 8:46
Sanna Rosell says:
Never heard of Pécs but it certainly looks like a romantic city, with the church/mosque and the cosy squares! Hungary's answer to Italy's Verona perhaps?
07 June 2016 - 8:47
Ama de casa says:
Nowadays there are those "segways without a stick". Try one next time! Haha! No dammit, don't. They really look completely dangerous. I'm deeply impressed that you managed a regular segway - I would definitely stand on my ears and knock out my teeth 🙂.
07 June 2016 - 9:14
admin says:
Eva, Pécs was very nice! I thought the segway was difficult in the beginning, but it didn't take very long to learn really... Then it was fun! 🙂
Sanna Rosell, haha yes maybe so! 😉 It was a cosy city in any case!
Ama de casa, yes I have seen those without the "stick"... but I have to say that the "stick" felt safe and good to me 😉.
07 June 2016 - 9:53
Seija Viitamäki-Carlsson says:
We were in Pecs in 2010. Camping Pecs was about 2 miles outside the city. Bathhouse and pine forest, but poor (none) with buses to the city of Pecs, where we incidentally got a parking ticket on the motorhome..in Harkany, many campsites and hot springs, where you bathe in red water lily lakes. Good cycle paths and beautiful! Highly recommended
07 June 2016 - 10:23
Ditte says:
How nice to visit a place you hardly knew existed and then be so positively surprised. You had a lot of time so I understand that you now have to digest everything you have seen and all the experiences because there is hardly enough time in such a short, fun, intense and eventful trip.
Fun to see more of Hungary through you than just Budapest where I spent five days long ago.
I have tried the Segway on the quay at home in Stockholm and it was fun. Would love to take a longer trip with it in Stockholm.
Looking forward to the next post.
07 June 2016 - 11:11
Emma, sun like sun? says:
You can rent and ride around the various marinas here. I've seen the police in Puerto Banus whizzing around on them, which is convenient.
And it looks very tempting!
The ones without a stick also look fun, but apparently many people don't like them and if you look at the second-hand market, many people sell them. We stick to our kicks instead, our patinetes.
07 June 2016 - 11:35
Hamaca travel blog says:
So good you enjoyed yourself in Pecs! And so cool that you got to try segway. It makes the city sightseeing a little different! I visited Pecs two years ago and thought it was a very cosy and easy to navigate city to be in 😉.
07 June 2016 - 12:56
Mr Steve says:
Imagine how many "unknown" places there are that have a lot to offer.
Segway didn't exist in "my time", but it certainly looks slick
07 June 2016 - 13:13
admin says:
Seija, how nice that you were in Pecs! And super interesting and good to hear how it worked with the campsites!
Ditte, the blog is good for digesting the impressions! Even if the trip was intense, you can take time afterwards to write and look at pictures and it becomes a way to digest everything! 🙂
Emma sun like sun, interesting that people fall from them without a "stick". It felt good to have a stick I must say...! 😉
Hamaca, great that you have been to Pecs! There are not so many who have been there, I think ...
Steve, there are probably many more or less unknown places, and I think they are interesting to discover! 😉
07 June 2016 - 15:35
Across the board says:
Never heard of it but it seems nice. Great to discover something off the beaten track.
07 June 2016 - 15:50
Matts Torebring says:
When we arrived in Hungary by motorhome, we thought it was the first smart country. Give the reg. no. of the car at the border and how long we would stay. Then a camera read the licence plate. We were there only three or four days and bathed in Lake Balaton. It was also an experience in the warm, sulphur-rich water, which penetrated the skin and coloured us yellow. You have really shown us all that there is so much more. Enjoy!
07 June 2016 - 18:42
admin says:
We think it's fun to discover some new places! And when you have a guide, you get help to find good experiences, often at least.
Matts, nice that you have been in Hungary with the motorhome and interesting to hear about it! It does not seem to be very many people who go there with a motorhome? I bathed in Balaton when I took a train ride as a young man, but now we are starting to get a little hungry for motorhomes in Hungary 🙂.
07 June 2016 - 18:50
Ulrika says:
I got a historical tour of Prague on Segway as a birthday present from my other half a few years ago and it was great fun. Especially on the slopes up to the government building as we whizzed past all the panting tourists :)!
07 June 2016 - 20:14
Rania {Rowan Tree} says:
Answer: Oh how wonderful it sounds! Have you blogged a lot about it? Must dig in your archive! We will make much shorter trips now but really want to be out for a long time too 😀 Was yours fully furnished with bed etc. or did you fix it yourself? Aaah now I want to hear all about this! (the comment came out but it was lucky that you told me because it ended up under rubbish).
07 June 2016 - 20:44
BP says:
Can only say that - had never heard of Pécs. Oh I think I am not alone in this ignorance. But once again you have put the place on the map. Great there and great advertising for the city and Hungary!
I like the fact that the mosque has been converted into a Catholic church. This "measure" is perhaps a first step towards improving relations between different religions.
07 June 2016 - 21:28
Rania {Rowan Tree} says:
Answer: Of course I answer 😀 Oh, thank you for the summary post! Sooo exciting and fun that you have guests on the blog, and on Saturday I really have to look in and look - iih!
07 June 2016 - 22:31
Comsi Comsa says:
I just have to try the Segway because it looks like so much fun. Is it about balance?
Interesting place that Pécs that apparently more people than me don't know about.
heard about. 🙂
Hugs ♥
07 June 2016 - 22:44
admin says:
Ulrika, oh perfect with segway in the uphills!!!! 😉
BP, it's fun to visit places you've never heard of! I think more and more that there are many nice places that you completely miss because you always go to those places that are known.... 😉
Rania, how nice that you replied! I have replied to your comment on your blog 😉.
Comsi Comsa, right at the beginning you have to learn how much you have to move for the segway to move forward/stop. You have to practise a few turns, but once you get the hang of it, it's not difficult.
07 June 2016 - 23:07
Elisabeth says:
Segway is not for me, but on the other hand, Hungary can probably be an alternative for motorhomes in the future. But oh how much we want to do and see. In addition, it is so beautiful in Sweden at this time of year!
08 June 2016 - 22:18
Ida - Travelling with children says:
Yes, but exactly! Travelling without expectations is awesome. Or - if nothing else - travelling with the RIGHT expectations.
Fun (and smart of them!!) to show other sides of Hungary than just Budapest, because they really feel completely undiscovered as a travel destination, from what I know.
08 June 2016 - 23:17
admin says:
Elisabeth, we have also been tempted to travel around Hungary by motorhome! I don't even understand why we haven't done it before... 😉 But there is always a lot you want to see and experience!
Ida, it was really interesting to see more of Hungary than Budapest! But Budapest is also a nice city 🙂
09 June 2016 - 7:27
Fantasy travel says:
Oh I would very much like to travel around more in the countryside in Hungary as well. Pecs seems like a nice little town! Fun also that you also drove around on Segways! We got to do it in Warsaw and it was my first segway experience. Well, if I'm honest... 😉.
10 June 2016 - 11:22
Maria's Memoirs says:
Feels a bit unique with a church that used to be a mosque ðŸ™'
15 June 2016 - 21:06