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Swiss Alps - and making raclette cheese

Today we can tell you about breathtaking views and making raclette cheese. We are currently in the Swiss Alps, more specifically in Nendaz in Valais. Yesterday we went on a trip even higher up in the Alps. Despite the bad weather, we got to experience unbelievable views. We also got to see how the famous raclette cheese and a number of other Swiss cheeses are made.


Breathtaking views

The first day in Switzerland we were really lucky with the weather, but not yesterday. The weather was at its absolute worst, with rain, damp cold and thunder. But the views from Balavaux in Nendaz were no less dramatic for that. Maybe the opposite!

Schweiziska alper och moln
Clouds licking the Swiss Alps
Solig by
The sun hits a single small lucky village ...!
And then suddenly ... a rainbow!

Ancient trees

The landscape is full of conifers, including pine trees that turn beautiful colours in autumn and shed their needles in winter. There are also some crazy old trees. According to our guides, the oldest pines here are between 800 and 900 years old ...!

Gammalt träd
Very old trees

Production of raclette cheese

Raclette is a traditional Swiss cheese used for the dish raclette, which is the eating of melted cheese with various accompaniments. We went to a farm where they make raclette, as well as the cheeses 'serac' and 'tomme'.

The cows had been milked before we arrived and the large barrel contained 680 litres of milk. The cheese is then heated to different temperatures depending on the cheese to be made, while the cheesemaker 'stirs the pot'. Finally, he collects the curd and lets it drain.

Tillverka ost
The Swiss cheesemaker moves the cheese, while a French film crew captures every movement...
Dricka ost
Drinking cheese? Peter and our guide Adrien taste the curd ...
Tillverkning av racletteost
The next step in the process ...

Three different cheeses

Once formed, the large raclette cheeses are placed in a salt bath for 24 hours. They are then stored for 2,5 months, during which time they are every day brushed with salt. The smaller cheeses called "tomme" are only stored for 20 days and the "serac" is a fresh cheese to be eaten immediately. We tasted this one on the spot and it was really good. Now all that remains is to see what raclette tastes like!

Every day, all the cheeses should be brushed with salt ...
Schweizisk ost
The cheese "tomme" is stored for 20 days

Back by cable car

After our little adventure high up in the Alps, we went down to the village of Nendaz by cable car. Here we had lunch, wine tasting and SPA, but I'll tell you about that another day ...

Linbana Schweiz
By cable car back down to the village and the hotel ...
Food and drink in different countries. Click on the image!

This trip was a press trip. The texts, images and opinions are, as usual, our own.

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