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9 exotic places where we celebrated New Year's Eve

We wish you a Happy New Year! We will celebrate the new year together with friends in Stockholm. Some years, however, we have celebrated in much more exotic places. Today we offer a small memory cavalcade.


Nine countries where we celebrated New Year

Looking back in our memories (or rather in our blog!) we realise that we have celebrated New Year's Eve in nine different countries. In between, there have been a bunch of New Year's Eve celebrations in Sweden, but we choose to focus on the more exotic places.

1. New Zealand

New Zealand was a 'once in a lifetime' trip that we managed to complete in the winter of 2006/2007. So many marvellous and adventurous experiences we had in the New Zealand! When it was time to celebrate New Year, we found ourselves in the capital city of Wellington.

  • Year: 2006/2007
  • Location: Restaurant in Wellington
  • Societies: Peter's sons Robin and Billie
  • Menu: Classic meat dinner with red wine
  • Festivities: Festival in the streets
Nyår på Nya Zeeland

2) Kenya

In a way, Kenya was also a dream trip, but we ended up here at the same time as there was a lot of unrest in the country due to the elections. We couldn't leave the guesthouse where we were staying because it was unsafe, but we got to know the other two couples at the guesthouse well.

  • Year: 2007/2008
  • Location: Le Petit Paris guest house in Mombasa
  • Societies: A couple from the Netherlands and a couple from Italy and New Zealand respectively.
  • Menu: Many delicious dishes, prepared by the French owner.
  • Festivities: We went around the team and said what we wanted to do in life "If I survive" ... (You can read about the dramatic journey here.)
Nyår i Mombasa

3. Hungary

One year we chose to celebrate New Year's Eve in Budapest. It was a nice winter trip with shopping, swimming and warming goulash soups.

  • Year: 2010/2011
  • Location: Nador Botterem wine cellar in Budapest
  • Societies: We (and everyone else in the city)
  • Menu: New Year menu with many dishes and accompanying wines
  • Festivities: Live music and then a party on Margareta Island
Nyår i Budapest

4. Ukraine

We have celebrated New Year's Eve no less than twice in Ukraine, both times in Kiev. It is incredibly sad to think about what has happened to this country since then. We had very nice visits here, and we remember with warmth all the wonderful Ukrainians we met. We wish this people strength and better times.

  • Year: 2011/2012
  • Location: Arena Citi in Kiev
  • Societies: Peter's son Robin and his wife Alexandra
  • Menu: Champagne and luxury platters with cold cuts, cheeses and fruit
  • Festivities: First an outdoor concert in the city and then a nightclub.
Nyårsresor mer populärt

5th Malaysia

When we've had the chance to travel to Asia in the winter, we've been happy to do so, and one year we celebrated New Year's Eve at the... Langkawi. Here we celebrated the new year together with blog friends who arrived with their own sailboat!

  • Year: 2012/2013
  • Location: Restaurant Oasis in Langkawi
  • Societies: Blog friends and round-the-world sailors Linda, Ludvig and their children, from Mary of Rövarhamn (interview with Linda here)
  • Menu: Buffet
  • Festivities: Fire, lanterns and fireworks
Nyår i Malaysia

6. Philippines

Just before we were about to celebrate the new year at the Philippines In 2013/2014 I (Helena) had been really sick with a stomach bug, so I couldn't eat. very much of the fully cooked pig. But there was a New Year celebration anyway!

  • Year: 2013/2014
  • Location: Toko's restaurant in Sabang on the island of Mindoro
  • Societies: We ourselves (and all other people in Sabang)
  • Menu: Buffet with whole grilled pig
  • Festivities: Fireworks

7. Portugal

It was in December 2014 that we set off on our 1 year long motorhome trip around Europe. Just in time for New Year's Eve we approached Lisbon, and were invited to the homes of blog friends. It can't get any better than that!

  • Year: 2014/2015
  • Location: At home with blog friends from the blog Bortugal in a village near Cascais.
  • Societies: Åsa, Sverker and their daughters (interview with Åsa here)
  • Menu: Homemade dinner at Åsa and Sverker's home
  • Festivities: Talk, laughter and dramatic waves
Nyår i Portugal

8) Israel

The journey to Israel was fantastic! But it is expensive to eat in a restaurant in Israel and we wanted to spend our money on other things, so New Year's dinner was very simple. But what does that matter when you get to travel?

  • Year: 2017/2018
  • Location: Eilat
  • Societies: We (and all other people in Eilat)
  • Menu: Falafel and coca cola
  • Festivities: People on the streets
17 saker att göra i Eilat

9. Sri Lanka

Travelling around Sri Lanka was a real adventure trip with lots of experiences, in the form of nature, wild animals, temples and exotic food. Celebrating New Year's Eve on a beach was great!

  • Year: 2019/2020
  • Location: Weligama Beach
  • Societies: Our friends Lennart and Beata
  • Menu: Prawn cocktail (which happened to be served after the main course), grilled fish and fried potatoes
  • Festivities: Fireworks and DJ on the beach
New year Sri Lanka

Have you ever celebrated New Year's Eve abroad?

Have you ever celebrated New Year's Eve abroad? In which country or countries? Where are you celebrating the New Year tonight?

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