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Arriving in Sicily - welcome to Palermo!

Coming from Sardinia to Sicily was a bit of a shock. Palermo was quiet in the early Sunday morning, but by the time we stopped to shop for food in a suburb, people had come alive. Cars honked, vendors shouted, dogs barked (or were run over) and African men insisted on packing our bags or pushing away our shopping cart to get 50 cents.


Palermo - crowded like in Morocco

We crowded into a small noisy tobacco shop to buy internet sim cards (which didn't work), we bought slices from a huge swordfish that was dramatically dismembered in a street stall with the sword pointing straight up, and we bought fruit in another street stall where we were showered with far more melons and pears than we intended.

Rubbish was left in piles everywhere, dust was swirling and the heat was intense. It felt like we had arrived in ... Morocco!? Even the houses, the square stone houses with parabolas on the roofs, reminded us of Morocco.

Vi startar vår Sicilien-vistelse med att handla svärdfisk
We started our Sicily holiday by shopping for swordfish outside Palermo

Difficult to find a campsite

We steered the motorhome towards a campsite on the outskirts of Palermo but couldn't find it - all the streets were narrow and full of holes, and everywhere there were cars parked halfway onto the road. In addition, there were one-way streets everywhere. We were close to the campsite, but we couldn't get there. We gave up.

Towards San Vito Lo Capo, west of Palermo

We drove towards the headland instead San Vito Lo Capo west of Palermo, where there would be several campsites. Since we did not manage to buy an internet sim card, we wanted WiFi. At the first campsite there were WiFi spots and we checked in. Then it turned out that "WiFi is not working". The staff shrugged disinterestedly and said that they could not do anything about it.

We annoyingly checked out and headed to the next campsite. "Yes free WiFi, but only in the bar" - ok, that will do! We checked in and waited for the bar to open at 5pm. It did, but "Sorry, problem with WiFi this week"...

If we hadn't been so tired after the ferry ride, we would probably have checked out in pure anger, but now we stayed. A bit of a tough start in Sicily, but when we have rested we will take the time to discover the island with new eyes. Right now we are sitting down in the small village next to the campsite and blogging from a bar ...

Vi åkte förbi flera stränder - fina, men oj så mycket folk!
We went past several beaches - nice, but so many people!
Castellammare del Golfo, väster om Palermo
Castellammare del Golfo, west of Palermo
Udden San Vito lo Capo, där vi befinner oss nu
The headland of San Vito lo Capo, where we are now

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