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Carcassonne in France - a fortified medieval city

Carcassonne in France is a fortified medieval city in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. When you step inside the high walls and look up at the pointed towers, it feels a bit like entering a fantasy story. The fortified city, Cité de Carcassonne, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by around three million tourists every year.


Medieval town with a Roman fortress

Construction of the fortress began in Roman times, around 500 BC, and many new buildings were added during the Middle Ages. In the 19th century, the French government decided to demolish everything, but after strong protests, it was renovated instead. This means that some parts (such as the special roofs) are not original, but this does not make the buildings any less interesting.

Walking through the gate today feels like being thrown far back into history. The narrow cobbled alleys are steep and here and there you come across wells and other details that remind you of what life might have been like in the past.

Carcassonne gränder
Kyrka Carcassonne

Restaurants and shops

Today the town is full of small restaurants, creperies and shops, all charmingly set in a medieval environment. Here you'll find everything from sweets to shoes and trinkets. We stumbled into a small jewellery shop with nice rings for men. And yes, a ring had to come home! He usually has too big fingers for all rings, but here the range was a little larger. In addition, the ring was really nice!

What we like about Carcassonne - medieval castle? A cool city that is definitely worth a visit! If you come by car or camper van, there are large car parks just outside, and from the car park it's an easy walk to the entrance.

Carcassonne Frankrike

Carcassonne in France

Settlements have been found here from 3500 BC and this was an important trading centre in ancient times. There is also a huge and beautiful cemetery here that I think you should see before you leave. We are now very close to Spain and this was the last outpost for many years for trade.

Carcassonne i Frankrike - en befäst medeltidsstad

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